Favorite genres: Anything good
Favorite/actor/actress/director: Meh... no favorites
Favorite DVDs:
2001: A Space Odyssey (DVD F Two)
Band of Brothers (DVD F Ban)
Batman Begins (DVD F Bat)
Casablanca (DVD F Cas)
The Dark Knight (DVD F Dar)
Deep Impact (DVD F Dee)
Iron Man (DVD F Iro)
Jaws (DVD F Jaw)
Jurassic Park (DVD F Jur)
Jurassic Park III (DVD F Jur)
Jurassic Park: The Lost World (DVD F Los)
Lincoln (the recent one) (DVD F Lin)
Lord of the Rings trilogy (DVD F Lor)
The Matrix trilogy (DVD F Mat)
Planet of the Apes (the original) (DVD F Plan)
Saving Private Ryan (DVD F Sav)
Star Trek (the movie and any of
the episodes from the past) (DVD F Sta)
Star Wars, Episodes I-VI (DVD F Sta & DVD J Sta)
The Avengers (DVD F Mar)
The Day After Tomorrow (DVD F Day)
WarGames (DVD F War)
Favorite genres: romantic comedy, suspense (not super scary)
Favorite actor/actress/director: Sandra Bullock, Keanu
ReevesFavorite genres: romantic comedy, suspense (not super scary)
Favorite DVDs:

Two Weeks Notice (DVD F Two)
Speed (DVD F Spe)
While You Were Sleeping (DVD F Whi)
Martian Child (DVD F Mar)
Pearl Harbor (DVD F Pea)
Libel (DVD F Lib)
The Blind Side (DVD F Bli)
The Sixth Sense (DVD F Six)
Mamma Mia! (DVD F Mam)
Favorite genres: mystery/suspense, romantic with history
Favorite/actor/actress/director: Denzel Washington, Paul
Newman, Johnny Depp, Clint Eastwood, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, Robert
Redford, Tom Hanks, Jimmy Stewart, Sean Connery, Russell Crowe, Halle Berry,
Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Vivien Leigh, Kate Winslet, Sandra
Bullock, Cameron Diaz
Favorite DVDs:
Julie & Julia (DVD F Jul) Steel Magnolias (DVD F Ste)
Dances with Wolves (DVD F Dan)
Gone Baby Gone (DVD F Gon)
The Help (DVD F Hel)
North and South (DVD F Nor)
The Birds (DVD F Bir)
Indiana Jones (DVD F Ind)
Fried Green Tomatoes (DVD F Fri)
Forrest Gump (DVD F For)
On Golden Pond (DVD F On)
Oliver! (musical) (DVD F Oli & DVD E Oli)
South Pacific (DVD F Sou)
Pirates of the Caribbean (all) (DVD F Pir)
Mrs. Doubtfire (DVD F Mrs.)

A River Runs Through It (DVD F Riv)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (DVD F Div)
Five People You Meet in Heaven (DVD F Fiv)
Ghost (DVD F Gho)
Grease (DVD F Gre)
Gran Torino (DVD F Gran)
Hoosiers (DVD F Hoo)
Field of Dreams (DVD F Fie)
The Way We Were (DVD F Way)
Shenandoah (DVD F She)
War Horse (DVD F War)
Mamma Mia! (DVD F Mam)
Gone with the Wind (DVD F Gon)
E.T. (DVD F E.T. & DVD J E.T.)
While You Were Sleeping (DVD F Whi)
Schindler’s List (DVD F Sch)
The Great Escape (DVD F Gre)
To Kill a Mockingbird (DVD F To)
All Disney :) but especially Beauty and the Beast (DVD E Bea) and Snow White and the Seven
Dwarves(DVD E Sno)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (DVD F Div)
Five People You Meet in Heaven (DVD F Fiv)
Ghost (DVD F Gho)
Grease (DVD F Gre)
Gran Torino (DVD F Gran)
Hoosiers (DVD F Hoo)
Field of Dreams (DVD F Fie)
The Way We Were (DVD F Way)
Shenandoah (DVD F She)
War Horse (DVD F War)
Mamma Mia! (DVD F Mam)
Gone with the Wind (DVD F Gon)
E.T. (DVD F E.T. & DVD J E.T.)
While You Were Sleeping (DVD F Whi)
Schindler’s List (DVD F Sch)
The Great Escape (DVD F Gre)
To Kill a Mockingbird (DVD F To)
All Disney :) but especially Beauty and the Beast (DVD E Bea) and Snow White and the Seven
Dwarves(DVD E Sno)
Titanic (DVD F Tit)
Shrek (DVD F Shr)
Shrek (DVD F Shr)
Favorite genres: action/adventure, shoot ‘em up, funny
Favorite DVDs:
Jaws (DVD F Jaw)
Bullitt (DVD F Bul)
The Devil Wears Prada (DVD F Dev)
Ocean’s Twelve (DVD F Oce)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (DVD F Mr.)
Inglourious Basterds (DVD F Ing)
Moneyball (DVD F Mon)
10,000 BC (DVD F Ten)
Friday Night Lights (DVD F Fri)
The Fugitive (DVD F Fug)
Ghostbusters (DVD F Gho)
The General’s Daughter (DVD F Gen)
The Hunt for Red October (DVD F Hun)
High Plains Drifter (DVD F Cli)
The Incredibles (DVD J Inc)
Iron Man (DVD F Iro)
Mansfield Park (DVD F Man)
Ice Age (DVD J Ice)
Jurassic Park (DVD F Jur)
Pride and Prejudice (DVD F Pri)
Kill Bill (DVD F Kil)
Favorite genres: Romance, SciFi/Fantasy, Musicals
Favorite actor/actress/director: Richard Armitage, Benedict
Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Danny Kaye, Bing Crosby, Julie Andrews, Hayao
Miyazaki, Peter Jackson
Favorite DVDs:
Lord of the Rings trilogy
(DVD F Lor)
Pride and Prejudice (Colin
Firth & Jennifer Ehle) (DVD F Pri)
North and South (DVD
F Nor)
The Avengers (DVD
F Mar)
Labyrinth (DVD J
The Princess Bride (DVD
F Pri)
Star Wars—Original
Trilogy (DVD F Sta & DVD J Sta)
Star Trek (2009)
(DVD F Sta)
The Dark Knight (DVD
F Dar)
August Rush (DVD F
My Fair Lady (DVD
F My)
The King and I
(DVD F Kin)
The Phantom of the
Opera (Gerard Butler & Emmy Rossum) (DVD F Pha)
Midnight in Paris
(DVD F Mid)
Les Miserables (2012)
(DVD F Les)
Howl’s Moving Castle
(DVD F How)
Mary Poppins (DVD
E Mar)
Back to the Future Trilogy (DVD F Bac)
Batman movies (DVD F Bat & more )
The Best of Mr. Ed (DVD F Mis)
The Blind Side (DVD F Bli)
The Bodyguard (DVD F Bod)
Braveheart (DVD F Bra)
City Slickers (DVD F Cit)
The Count of Monte Cristo (DVD F Cou)
Dances With Wolves (DVD F Dan)
Driving Miss Daisy (DVD F Dri)
E.T. (DVD J E.T.)
Elf (DVD J Elf)
Field of Dreams (DVD F Fie)
The Firm (DVD F Fir)
The Fox and the Hound (DVD E Fox)
Fred Claus (DVD J Fre)
Indiana Jones series (DVD F Ind)
The Karate Kid movies (DVD F Kar & DVD J Kar)
Lord of the Rings (all) (DVD F Lor)
The Mask of Zorro (DVD F Mas)
The Patriot
(DVD F Pat)
Pretty Woman (DVD F Pre)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (DVD F Rob)
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (DVD F She)
Snow White and the Huntsman (DVD F Sno)
Spider-man (all) (DVD Spi & DVD Ama)
Favorite genres: romantic comedy, drama
Favorite DVDs:
Top Ten:
Foyle’s War Series (DVD F Foy)
The Natural (DVD F Nat)
Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson version from 1999)(DVD
F Sen)
West Wing Series (DVD F Wes)
While You Were Sleeping (DVD F Whi)
All the President’s Men (DVD F All)
Anne of Green Gables (DVD E Ann)
Doc Hollywood (DVD F Doc)
Downton Abbey Series 1,2, and 3 (DVD F Dow)
Roman Holiday (DVD F Rom)
The rest:
Doc Martin series (DVD F Doc)
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (DVD F Hac)
Shall We Dance? (DVD F Sha)
Groundhog Day (DVD F Gro)
The Help (DVD F Hel)
The Lake House (DVD F Lak)
Little Dorrit (DVD F Lit)
Nine to Five (DVD F Nin)
The Right Stuff (DVD F Rig)
Runaway Bride (DVD F Run)
Sabrina (1995 version) (DVD F Sab)
Remains of the Day (DVD F Rem)
Pride and Prejudice (2006) (DVD F Pri)
Two Weeks Notice (DVD F Two)
Night at the Museum (DVD F Nig & DVD J Nig)
National Treasure 1 &2 (DVD J Nat)
The Blue Planet (DVD 551.46 Blu)
Ballet Shoes (DVD J Bal)
Horatio’s Drive (DVD 917.304 Hor)
Lewis & Clark (DVD 978 Lew)
John Adams (DVD Bio Adams John)
Benjamin Franklin (DVD Bio Franklin Benjamin)
Anne of Green Gables, The Continuing Story (DVD E Ann)
Annie (DVD J Ann)
Apollo 13 (DVD F Apo)
Hugo (DVD J Hug)
Barefoot in the Park (DVD F Bar)
Cars (DVD E Car)
Cranford (DVD F Cra)
Funny Face (DVD F Fun)
Dave (DVD F Dav)
Dolphin Tale (DVD J Dol)
Driving Miss Daisy (DVD F Dri)
Finding Nemo (DVD E Fin)
Gandhi (DVD F Gan)
The Glenn Miller Story (DVD F Gle)
Julie & Julia (DVD F Jul)
We Bought A Zoo (DVD F We & DVD J We)
Marley & Me (DVD F Mar)
Pixar Short Films Collection, Volume 1 (DVD E Pix)
Ratatouille (DVD E Rat)
You’ve Got Mail (DVD F You)
Favorite genre: romance (duh!)
Favorite DVDs:
Casablanca (DVD F Cas)
Doctor Zhivago (DVD F Doc)
Life is Beautiful (DVD F Lif)
Il Postino (DVD F Il)
Amelie (DVD F Ame)
Das Boot (DVD F Boo)
Rebecca (DVD F Reb)
Shakespeare in Love (DVD F Shak)
The Sting (DVD F Sti)
The King’s Speech (DVD F Kin)
The Graduate (DVD F Grad)
Best Years of Our Lives (DVD F Bes)
My Mother’s Castle (DVD F My)
The African Queen (DVD F Afr)
Favorite genres: I like a variety.
Favorite actor/actress/director: No favorite actor/actress,
but I really like Sofia Coppola and Wes Anderson as far as directors go. Does Hayao Miyazaki count as a director?
Because he is also brilliant.
Favorite DVDs:
Amelie (DVD F Ame)
Big Fish (DVD F Big)
My Neighbor Totoro (DVD E My)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (DVD F Lif)
Lost in Translation (DVD F Los)
The Lord of the Rings series (DVD F Lor)
Castle in the Sky (DVD E Cas)
Alice in Wonderland (animated version) (DVD E Ali)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (DVD F Per)
Moonrise Kingdom (DVD F Moo)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (DVD F Aus)
Donnie Darko (DVD F Don)
Food, Inc. (DVD 338.1 Foo)
Harry Potter series (DVD F Har & DVD J Har)
Hook (DVD F Hoo)
Howl’s Moving Castle (DVD F How)
MirrorMask (DVD F Mir)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (DVD F Mon)
Monty Python’s Life of Brian (DVD F Mon)
The Princess Bride (DVD F Pri)
Shaun of the Dead (DVD F Sha)
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price (DVD 381.149 Wal)
Love, Actually (DVD F Lov)
Paris, Je T’aime (DVD F Par)
The Little Mermaid (DVD E Lit)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (DVD 751.7 Exi)
Favorite genres: mystery (older ones especially); suspense,
but without a lot of violence (or cars blowing up); comedy; comedy, but in good
taste, not raunchy
Favorite actor/actress/director: Hmmm… so many… Clark Gable,
Humphrey Bogart, Bradley Cooper, Sally Field, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine
Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Hitchcock, the list goes on and on.
Favorite DVDs:
Gone with the Wind (DVD F Gon)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (DVD F Gue)
The African Queen (DVD F Afr)
Any of the Agatha Christie movies (DVD F Aga & more)
Most of the Hitchcock movies
Lincoln (the new one) (DVD F Lin)
Life of Pi (DVD F Pi)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (DVD F Bea)
Argo (DVD F Arg)
Les Miserable (the new one) (DVD F Les)
West Side Story (DVD F Wes)
Up (DVD J Up)
The Help (DVD F Help)
Midnight in Paris (DVD F Mid)
Moneyball (DVD F Mon)
The King’s Speech (DVD F Kin)
The Blind Side (DVD F Bli)
The Sound of Music (DVD F Sou)
South Pacific (DVD F Sou)
Bullitt (DVD F Bul)
The Great Escape (DVD F Gre)
Out of Africa (DVD F Out)
Lilies of the Field (DVD F Lil)
Forrest Gump (DVD F For)
Walk the Line (DVD F Wal)
Moulin Rouge (DVD F Mou)
Casablanca (DVD F Cas)
The Bridge On the
River Kwai (DVD F Bri)
Chicago (DVD F Chi)
Driving Miss Daisy (DVD F Dri)
In the Heat of the Night (DVD F In)
My Fair Lady (DVD F My)
Mary Poppins (DVD E Mar)
The Little Mermaid (DVD E Lit)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (DVD F One)
Rain Man (DVD F Rai)
Rebecca—either version (DVD F Reb)
Slumdog Millionaire (DVD F Slu)
The Sting (DVD F Sti)
Titanic (DVD F Tit)
Cool Hand Luke (DVD F Coo)
Favorite genres: noir, comedy, cult classics, foreign, b
The Maltese Falcon (DVD F Mal)
Annie Hall (DVD F Ann)
Night and the City (DVD F Nig)
Duck Soup (DVD F Duc) or anything in The Marx
Brothers: Silver Screen Collection (DVD F Mar)
Any of the Preston Sturges comedies—especially Hail the
Conquering Hero (DVD F Hai), The Lady
Eve (DVD F Lad), The Great McGinty
(DVD F Gre), or Sullivan’s Travels (DVD F Sul)
Back to the Future (DVD F Bac)
Any Wes Anderson: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (DVD F
Lif), Royal Tenenbaums (DVD F
Roy), Fantastic Mr. Fox (DVD J Fan),
Moonrise Kingdom (DVD F Moo)
The Thing From Another World (DVD F Thi)
The Princess Bride (DVD F Pri)
Ratatouille (DVD E Rat)
Pandora’s Box (DVD F Pan)
Rashoman (DVD F Ras)
Breathless (DVD F Bre)
Winter’s Bone (DVD F Win)
Lost in Translation (DVD F Los)
Strictly Ballroom (DVD F Str)
Sneakers (DVD F Sne)
You Can’t Take it With You (DVD F You)
A Room with a View (DVD F Roo)
Almost any live-action Disney movie from the 1950s or 1960s,
such as That Darn Cat (DVD E
Tha), Blackbeard’s Ghost (DVD E Bla), The
Parent Trap (DVD E Par), Swiss Family Robinson
(DVD E Swi), or The Shaggy
Dog (DVD E Sha)
Any of the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movies, though
especially Swing Time (DVD F Swi) and Top
Hat (DVD F Top)
Mulholland Drive (DVD F Mul)
Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (DVD E Rock)
Chinatown (DVD F Chin)
Requiem for a Dream (DVD F Req)
Star Wars—Original Trilogy (DVD F Sta)
Ghostbusters (DVD F Gho)
Pulp Fiction (DVD F Pul)
Any Coen Brothers—especially A Serious Man (DVD F Ser) or
Fargo (DVD F Fargo)
King Kong—the original (DVD F Kin)
Night of the Living Dead (DVD F Nig)
Goldfinger (DVD F Gol)
The Great Muppet Caper (DVD F Gre)
Rear Window (DVD F Rea)
Wonder Boys (DVD F Won)
Winchester ’73 (DVD F Win)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (DVD F Ind)
The Conversation (DVD F Con)
Bringing Up Baby (DVD F Bri)
Dr. Strangelove (DVD F Dr.)
Harold and Maude (DVD F Har)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (DVD F Sev)
Kathy J.:
Favorite genres: chick flicks, some action/suspense, comedy
Favorite actor/actress/director: Sandra Bullock, Harrison Ford,
Sean Connery
Favorite DVDs:
Veggie Tales—all of them! (DVD E Veg)
Little House on the Prairie (DVD E Lit)
Bourne Series (DVD F Bou)
Star Wars IV, V, VI (DVD F Sta & DVD J Sta)
Sleepless in Seattle (DVD F Sle)
You’ve Got Mail (DVD F You)
The Natural (DVD F Nat)
An Affair to Remember (DVD F Aff)
The American President (DVD F Ame)
Air Force One (DVD F Air)
Toy Story movies (DVD E Toy)
It’s a Wonderful Life (DVD F It’s)
The Wizard of Oz (DVD F Wiz)
The Ten Commandments (DVD F Ten)
The Color Purple (DVD F Col)
Big (DVD F Big)
Ocean’s 11,12,13 (DVD F Onc)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (DVD F Rob)
Field of Dreams (DVD F Fie)
Hook (DVD F Hoo)
Men in Black 1 and 3 (DVD F Men)
WarGames (DVD F War)
Favorite genres: action, comedy, romantic comedy,
tearjerker, documentary, book-to-movies
Favorite actor/actress/director: Kristen Wiig, James Franco,
Tom Hanks, Anne Hathaway, Ellen Page, Ewan McGregor, Matt Damon, Denzel
Washington, Daniel Craig
Favorite DVDs:
A Beautiful Mind (DVD F Bea)
Vantage Point (DVD F Van)
Good Will Hunting (DVD F Goo)
Big Fish (DVD F Big)
Grease (DVD F Gre)
Sister Act (DVD F Sis)
The Jane Austen Book Club (DVD F Jan)
The Lovely Bones (DVD F Lov)
One Day (DVD F One)
Anonymous (DVD F Ano)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (DVD F Cur)
All of the Lord of the Rings movies (DVD F Lor)
All of the Harry Potter movies (DVD J Har/DVD F Har)
Something’s Gotta Give (DVD F Som)
Julie & Julia (DVD F Jul)
Juno (DVD F Jun)
Into the Wild (DVD F Int)
Eighty-eight Minutes (DVD F Eig)
Amelie (DVD F Ame)
Casino Royale (DVD F Cas)
The Departed (DVD F Dep)
Elizabeth (DVD F Eli)
Inception (DVD F Inc)
Ratatouille (DVD E Rat)
Alice in Wonderland (with Johnny Depp) (DVD F Ali)
You’ve Got Mail (DVD F You)
Blue Planet/Earth DVDs (DVD 551.46 Blu & DVD 590 Ear)
Finding Nemo (DVD E Fin)
Favorite genres: historical, drama, musical, golden age
(1930s-1940s), French
Favorite actor/actress/director: Too many!
Favorite DVDs:
Amelie (DVD F Ame)
Gone with the Wind (DVD F Gon)
Never Let Me Go (DVD F Nev)
Melancholia (DVD F Mel)
The Artist (DVD F Art)
Atonement (DVD F Ato)
The Pillars of the Earth (DVD F Pil)
Birdsong (DVD F Bir)
The Big Bang Theory (DVD F Big)
Lost (DVD F Los)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (DVD F Bur)
Bridget Jones (1 &2) (DVD F Bri)
Casino Royale (DVD F Cas)
Cold Mountain (DVD F Col)
Any Elvis movies :)
Rebel Without a Cause (DVD F Reb)
East of Eden (DVD F Eas)
Giant (DVD F Gia)
Elizabeth (DVD F Eli)
Forrest Gump (DVD F For)
Indiana Jones series (but not Crystal Skull) (DVD F
Jurassic Park (DVD F Jur)
Mamma Mia! (DVD F Mam)
Moulin Rouge (DVD F Mou)
The Phantom of the Opera (DVD F Pha)
Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3 (not 4)(DVD F Pir)
The Princess Bride (DVD F Pri & DVD J Pri)
Roman Holiday (DVD F Rom)
Slumdog Millionaire (DVD F Slum)
Star Wars (DVD F Sta & DVD J Sta)
Titanic (DVD F Tit)
A Very Long Engagement (DVD F Ver)
Water for Elephants (DVD F Wat)
Edward Scissorhands (DVD F Edw)
Cary Grant—Bringing Up Baby (DVD F Bri), North by Northwest
(DVD F Nor), Monkey Business
(DVD F Mon), His Girl Friday (DVD F His),
An Affair to Remember (DVD F Aff)
W./E. (DVD F W./E.)
My Week with Marilyn (DVD F My)
Beginners (DVD F Beg)
Anonymous (DVD F Ano)
Midnight in Paris (DVD F Mid)
True Grit (DVD F Tru)
The Social Network (DVD F Soc)
Walk the Line (DVD F Wal)
The Court Jester (DVD F Cou)
The Young Victoria (DVD F You)
Food, Inc. (DVD 338.1 Foo)
Remember Me (DVD F Rem)
Scoop (DVD F Sco)
Pillow Talk (DVD F Pil)
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (DVD F Mis)
Oklahoma (DVD F Okl)
Favorite genres: Funny, unusual, foreign, documentaries
Favorite actor/actress/director: Hitchcock
Favorite DVDs:
Napoleon Dynamite (DVD F Nap)
Pollyana (DVD E Pol)
Chocolat (DVD F Cho)
Amadeus (DVD F Ama)
Rear Window (All Hitchy, really)(DVD F Rea)
Anonymous (DVD F Ano)
Secondhand Lions (DVD F Sec & DVD J Sec)
Fried Green Tomatoes (DVD F Fri)
Waking Ned Devine (DVD F Wak)
Election (DVD F Ele)
Food, Inc. (338.1 Foo)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (DVD 751.7 Exi)
Moonrise Kingdom (DVD F Moo)
Amelie (DVD F Ame)
Paris, Je T’aime (DVD F Par)
My Dog Skip (DVD F My)
Little Miss Sunshine (DVD F Lit)
The Bourne Trilogy (DVD F Bou)
Fargo (DVD F Far)
Back to the Future (first in the series only) (DVD F Bac)
The Sound of Music (DVD F Sou)
Mamma Mia! (DVD F Mam)
Favorite genre: Foreign Films
Favorite DVDs:
Monsoon Wedding (DVD F Mon)
Cinema Paradiso (DVD F Cin)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (DVD F Cro)
Il Postino (The Postman) (DVD F Il)
My Mother’s Castle (DVD F My)
Favorite genres: all—mysteries, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy
Favorite actor/actress/director: Cary Grant and Harrison
Ford, Katharine Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock
Favorite DVDs:
The African Queen (DVD F Afr)
Alien (DVD F Ali)
The Princess Bride (DVD F Pri)
Bleak House (DVD F Ble)
Addams Family (DVD E Add)
Back to the Future (DVD F Bac)
Blade Runner (DVD F Bla)
Blazing Saddles (DVD F Bla)
The Blues Brothers (DVD F Blu)
The Breakfast Club (DVD F Bre)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (DVD F Bri)
Casablanca (DVD F Cas)
Chariots of Fire (DVD F Char)
Chicago (DVD F Chi)
Duck Soup (DVD F Duc)
Fried Green Tomatoes (DVD F Fri)
The Great Dictator (DVD F Gre)
High Anxiety (DVD F Hig)
His Girl Friday (DVD F His)
Anne of Green Gables (Megan Follows)(DVD E Ann)
Chicken Run (DVD E Chi)
The Muppet Movie (DVD E Mup)
Swiss Family Robinson (DVD E Swi)
Star Wars—original—the good one (DVD F Sta & DVD J Sta)
Jumanji (DVD F Jum)
North by Northwest (DVD F Nor)
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (DVD F Mr.)
Topper (DVD F Top)
The Thin Man series (DVD F Thi)
Favorite genres: Sci-fi, horror, action, comedy
Favorite actor/actress/director: John Cusack, Michael J.
Fox, Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Patrick Stewart
Favorite DVDs:
The Back to the Future Trilogy (DVD F Bac)
Blade Runner (DVD F Bla)
Die Hard (DVD F Die)
District 9 (DVD F Dis)
Ghostbusters (DVD F Gho)
Groundhog Day (DVD F Gro)
Hook (DVD F Hoo)
Wallace and Gromit (DVD E Wal)
Gran Torino (DVD F Gran)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (DVD J Fan)
Big (DVD F Big)
Moonrise Kingdom (DVD F Moo)
The Muppets (DVD J Mup)
Minority Report (DVD F Min)
Rocky (DVD F Roc)
Inception (DVD F Inc)
Planet of the Apes (1968) (DVD F Pla)
Alien (DVD F Ali)
Howl’s Moving Castle (DVD F How)
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